In the News
Featured in the Media
Read all the Parkes Golf Club buzz. As one of the finest clubs in the greater Parkes area, we are often mentioned in the media, with good news bits, features stores and more. We also use local informative posts in order to communicate last minute updates, so check back often!
Membership Categories
Parkes Golf Club offers a variety of membership options. We look forward to welcoming you into our community. For more information about the types of membership available, refer below to the details of each membership type, and select the one that is right for you. We are currently offering 15 months membership for the cost of 12 months. Â Please read below.
Full Playing Membership
With this membership option, Parkes Golf Club offers special services and discounts on events. Full Membership allows members to enter the Golf Club and use our facilities throughout the year. Would you like to find out more about this membership option? Get in touch with a member of our team today, and we would be happy to speak with you.
Social Playing
The level of membership at Parkes Golf Club provides membership benefits, access to events, and so much more. These members enjoy so many amazing aspects of our exclusive club — you’ll want to join them! Want to find out more about this membership and even more details? Get in touch with us today.
Pensioner Membership
Join Parkes Golf Club with our Full-Access Annual Status and you’lll feel all the benefits of joining the club and finally understand what all of the talk was about. This membership gives you exclusive access to events, classes, and so much more that happens every day at Parkes Golf Club.
If you are a current enrolled player at Parkes Soccer, Hockey, Cricket, Rugby League, Rugby Union or AFL then provide your membership and you get to have a full membership for your off season. Your membership will include a GA Handicap, playing in competitions, access to the club and function room and reduced social golf costs. If you require further information please contact the Pro Shop for further details
If you are under 18 years of age or between 18 and 30 then this membership will suit. We understand that at this age you have lots of other interests or a lack of time so this membership is at a reduced cost but with all the benefits of a full playing member. Please contact the Pro Shop today for further information